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Arthur Ituassu

Curso: Comunicação Política Comparada

O objetivo do curso oferecido no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da PUC-Rio, elaborado em parceria com o Prof. Luiz Leo (COM/PUC-Rio), é produzir uma reflexão acerca das diferentes perspectivas teóricas que envolvem a Comunicação Política Comparada. Pretendemos abordar questões, metodologias e tendências do campo, bem como análises empíricas produzidas, especialmente sobre o contexto brasileiro e latino-americano. A Sessão 2 do curso será em 13/3. As aulas são às terças, de 13h às 16h.

O curso se constitui de 15 sessões descritas abaixo.

Sessão 1. Apresentação e metodologia

Sessão 2. Rumo à perspectiva comparada


Texto 01

BLUMLER, J.G.; GUREVITCH, M. The Crisis of Public Communication. Londres: Routledge, 1995.

1 The Crisis of Civic Communication

2 Linkages between the mass media and politics

5 Towards a comparative framework for political communication research

6 Comparative research: the extending frontier

Sessão 3. Comparing Political Communication


Texto 02

ESSER, F.; PFETSCH, B. (orgs.). Comparing political communication: Theories, Cases and Challenges. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

1 Comparing Political Communication: Reorientations in a Changing World

2 Americanization, Globalization, and Secularization

3 Transnational trends in Political Communication

6 Global Political Communication: Good Governance, Human Development, and Mass Communication

Sessão 4. Comparing Political Communication 2


Texto 02

ESSER, F.; PFETSCH, B. (orgs.). Comparing political communication: Theories, Cases and Challenges. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

14 State of the Art of Comparative Political Communication Research: Poised for Maturity?

15 From Political Culture to Political Communications Culture: A Theoretical Approach to Comparative Analysis

16 Problems of Comparative Political Communication Research: Culture as a Key Variable

17 Meeting the Challenges of Global Communication and Political Integration: The Significance of Comparative Research in a Changing World

Sessão 5. Comparing Media Systems


Texto 03

HALLIN, D.C.; MANCINI, P. Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

1 Introduction

2 Comparing Media Systems

3 The Political Context of Media Systems

4 Media and Political Systems, and the Question of Differentiation

Sessão 6. Comparing Media Systems 2


Texto 03

HALLIN, D.C.; MANCINI, P. Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

5 The Mediterranean or Polarized Pluralist Model

6 The North/Central European or Democratic Corporatist Model

7 The North Atlantic or Liberal Model

Sessão 7. New Democracies


Texto 04

VOLTMER, K. (ed.) Mass Media and Political Communication in New Democracies. Londres: Routledge, 2006.

1 The mass media and the dynamics of political communication in processes of democratization: an introduction

5 In journalism we trust? Credibility and fragmented journalism in Latin America

13 New democracies without citizens? Mass media and democratic orientations - a four-country comparison

14 Conclusion: political communication between democratization and the trajectories of the past

Sessão 8. Beyond the Western World


Texto 05

HALLIN, D.C.; MANCINI, P. Comparing Media Systems Beyond The Western World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.

1 Introduction

5 On Models and Margins: Comparative Media Models Viewed from a Brazilian Perspective

11 How Far Can Media Systems Travel? Applying Hallin and Mancini's Comparative Framework outside the Western World

12 Comparing Processes: Media, “Transitions”, and Historical Change

13 Conclusion

Sessão 9. New Studies


Texto 06

CANEL, M. J.; VOLTMER, K. (eds.). Comparing Political Communication across Time and Space: New Studies in an Emerging Field. Londres: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.

1 Comparing Political Communication across Time and Space: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in a Globalized World- An Introduction

2 Methodological Challenges in Comparative Communication Research: Advancing Cross-National Research in Times of Globalization

14 Conclusion: Comparing across Space and Time – Challenges and Achievements in Political Communication Research

Sessão 10. New new democracies


Texto 07

ZIELONKA, J. (org.). Media and Politics in New Democracies: Europe in a Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press, 2015.

1 Introduction: Fragile Democracy, Volatile Politics, and the Quest for a Free Media

2 The News Media between Volatility and Hybridization

3 Normative and Empirical Models of Democracy

4 Capitalist Diversity and the Media

Sessão 11. New new democracies 2


Texto 07

ZIELONKA, J. (org.). Media and Politics in New Democracies: Europe in a Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press, 2015.

11 Media Fragmentation and its Consequences for Democracy

12 Acceleration of History, Political Instabilities, and Media Change

13 Informal Politics and Formal Media Structures

20 Why is Important to Study the Media and Politics in New Democracies?

Sessão 12. An update


Texto 08

NORRIS, P. Comparative Political Communications: Common frameworks or Babelian confusion? Review Article for Government and Opposition, 2009.

Texto 09

ESSER, F.; PFETSCH, B. Comparing Political Communication: An update. Working Paper No. 89. National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR). Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century, 2016.

Sessão 13. América Latina


Texto 10

PORTO, M.P. "Political Communication Research in Latin America". The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Londres: Wiley, 2015.

Texto 11

WAINSBORD, S. "Political Communication in Latin America". In: SEMETKO, H.A.; SCAMMEL, M. The Sage Handbook of Political Communication. Londres: Sage, 2012.

Sessão 14. América Latina 2


Texto 12

MATOS, C. Media and Politics in Latin America. Londres: Tauris, 2012.

1 The Latin American media system

Texto 13

MAUESBERGER, C. "Democracy, Media, and Their Democratization in Latin America". In: Advocacy Coalitions and Democratizing Media Reforms in Latin America: Whose Voice Gets on the Air?. Berlim: Springer, 2016.

Texto 14

LUGO-OCANDO, J.; SANTAMARÍA, S.G. “Media, Hegemony, and Polarization in Latin America”. In: ZIELONKA, J. (Ed.) Media and Politics in New Democracies: Europe in Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Sessão 15. Brasil – entrega das questões para os alunos


Texto 15

ALBUQUERQUE, A. de. “Protecting Democracy or conspiring against it? Media and politics in Latin America: A glimpse from Brazil”. Journalism, DOI: 10.1177/1464884917738376, 2017 (no prelo).

Texto 16

ALBUQUERQUE, A. de; PINTO, P.A. "O inferno são os outros: mídia, clientelismo e corrupção". Revista Famecos, Vol. 21, n. 2, 2014.

Texto 17

ALBUQUERQUE, A. de. "Media/Politics Connection: beyond political parallelism". Media, Culture & Society. (35)6, 742-758, 2013.

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